If you are concerned about the safety or welfare of any chid who attends Oak Meadow Primary School, please get in touch with Mr S Arnold (Executive Headteacher), Mr P Lane (Head of School), Miss Tomlinson (SENDCo) or Miss A Parker (Home School Liaison Officer).
​The school will keep in contact with parents via a weekly newsletter from the Head of School which will let them know any special events that are going to take place in the following weeks and bring their attention to any other information that might affect their child/children in school. The school will also send letters home to parents to give them details of special events, class visits and other important information.
Texting Service
The school operates a texting service for parents and we ask if parents could give the school a mobile number so that we can send a message should the need arise.
School Closure Due to Bad Weather
In the event that inclement weather causes the closure of the school parents will be notified via our texting service and a announcement will be made on Heart FM, BRMB, BBC Radio WM and on the Wolverhampton Today Facebook page.
Communicating With your Child's Teacher
If a parent wishes to discuss any matter concerning their child they are welcome to contact the school, please use the contact details on our contact page. If they wish to discuss a matter with the child's class teacher the we ask if they could make an appointment, via the school office, to see the teacher before or after school hours.
Please click here to view archived letters and newsletters from the previous academic year.

School Newsletters

Trust News
Please click the link below for news and updates from our trust, St Bartholomew's CE MAT:

Letters to Parents


School Visits

General Data Protection Regulation
During the autumn term we have a parents' evening where we discuss their child's progress and give the parents a report sheet with targets for the child to aim for. This is repeated in the spring term when we look at the previous targets and discuss if the child has attained them and set new targets. Parents also receive an end of term assessment summary sheet for their child at the end of the autumn and spring term.
At the end of the summer term, each child receives an end of year report for their parents that contains a return slip for the any comments. An open afternoon is held for parents to discuss their child's progress and attainment for the school year as well as meeting their child's new teacher.
The school's Twitter handle is @oakmeadow12