Funsters After-School Club

The school has an after-school club called Funsters which operates every day of the week from 3.15pm until 5.45pm.
The club normally takes place in the school hall and is led by Miss Head & Miss Perry. Parents may sign up their children for a part or a full session. All sessions MUST be paid via ParentPay in advance or on the day of attendance. Arrears will not be allowed to accumulate. Arrears may result in your child’s place being terminated.
As of Monday 29th April sessions will run from:
Session A - part session (3.15pm - 4.15pm or 4.15pm - 5.45pm) cost £4.50
Session B - full session (3.15pm - 5.45pm) cost £6.50
During the session the children have the chance to play with a variety of games and sport equipment and have use of some of the club's and school's computer equipment. In the summer the club sessions are held out of doors in the school's forest activity area or on the MUGA. (Multi-use games area).