The children of Oak Meadow have many opportunities to engage in wide variety of sporting activities.
PE and Games Lessons
Every class in the school, from Reception to Year 6, have two lessons of PE and Games each week. In their indoor PE lesson the children undertake simple gymnastics, dance and exercise. In their outdoor games lessons the children undertake a wide variety of games including: football, netball, rounders, hockey, tennis, and cricket. During the summer the children also partake in athletics lessons which lead to the annual school sports day.
The curriculum focuses on basic skills required for sport eg balance, agility, throwing, catching and co-ordination. This is then developed into use within competitive situations through the sports taught.
At Oak Meadow, Year 4 have a weekly swimming lesson in the Autumn Term at Wolverhampton Fitness and Swimming Centre, Bentley Bridge. Children travel by coach to and from the Centre. At the end of the Autumn Term, children's swimming skills are assessed and those who are not yet confident with swimming the required 25 metres will continue with their lessons along with children from Years 5 and 6 who are not yet confident with the required standard. Lessons will be differentiated and supported accordingly for all lessons during the following Spring and Summer Terms.
Out of School Sports
All the children have the opportunity of partaking in the after school sporting clubs. These presently include: football, multisport, dodgeball, cricket, cross country and hockey.
PE & Sport Premium Funding Planning & Impact
The Sports Premium is Government funding allocated to schools to improve the quality of the PE and sporting activities it offers pupils.
At Oak Meadow, we have a funding allocation of £9695 which is funded annually from April to March. It is based on an eligible number of 415 pupils to make additional and sustainable improvement to the quality of PE and range of sporting activities we offer.
We aim to ensure children are physically active and physically literate. To maintain this, we:
Continue to promote high quality physical education for our children through a well-planned range of PE lessons and experiences.
Promote children’s involvement and experience of competitive activities.
Improve confidence amongst staff in the delivery of high quality PE lessons across the school.
Ensure the Healthy Schools agenda remains high priority.
Ensure children’s physical development leads to better outcomes for children in terms of physical skills such as writing; personal, social and emotional development; communication and language.
To facilitate this we are providing:
Qualified sports coaches to work with teachers.
Existing staff with training or resources to help them teach PE and sport more effectively.
The opportunity for our PE Subject Leader, with advanced skills, to model effective teaching and learning to other teachers.
In-school and external training for all staff to raise their confidence and competence in teaching PE.
A new assessment focus to demonstrate coverage, breadth and progression in PE.
A range of additional lunchtime and afterschool club opportunities.
Opportunities for children to take part in competitive school and wider school events.
A focus on healthy living and eating.
We feel this is the most effective and efficient way for the funding to have a long lasting and positive effect on future learning and physical development of children within our school.

PE & Sports Premium