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Year 6 - Parliamentary Debate


A huge well done to all the children from Year 6 who attended the Georgian Rooms at Wolverhampton Art Gallery today to take part in a parliamentary debate. They competed against two other schools from the city to persuade the Secretary of State for Education to keep their school open in light of government spending cuts. They spoke passionately and eloquently about the reasons why they loved their school and worked collaboratively to plan, write and deliver first class speeches in front of a captive audience. We are extremely proud of them.

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Reducing our Carbon Footprint Challenge


A group of pupils were tasked within their homes to reduce their carbon footprint.  The challenge was set by the BBC television presenter, Ayo Akinwolere, who also accepted the challenge.


The children initially worked with Leicester University, Dr Emma Fieldhouse, in a programme called ‘Carbon Footprinting in Schools’, learning about the effects of carbon footprinting and its impact upon our school, community, country and world.   The children played a game and were required to compare and order the carbon footprint of such things as:1kg of bananas compared with a first class flight to Australia; a furiously boiling saucepan with the making of hard cheese and the designing, making and transportation of jeans and trainers.

Having learned about carbon footprinting, the children rose to the challenge of reducing their own carbon footprints within their homes working with their families.  After seven days, the results were revealed in a whole school assembly and to rapturous applause, the children beat presenter Ayo Akinwolere! 

The children’s research and findings will feature in BBC’s ‘Inside Out’ programme, which, will air on Monday 2nd September. 

Year 3's Stone Age Day


Year 3 had a wonderful, fun-filled day where we went back in time to the Stone Age. We started our day by creating cave art, working under our tables and drawing Stone Age symbols. Then, we created some tools using sticks, stones and wool. After we finished making our tools, we went outside to hunt for some animals. We also created our own Stone Age pottery.

Mini Medics Training Course


A huge well done to all of the children who completed the Mini Medics training course last week. They spent an afternoon alongside an adult family member learning invaluable First Aid skills including defibrillation, the recovery position, choking, asthma, wounds and bleeding and the treatment of shock. All children are now equipped with the skills to help someone get better more quickly and even save a life. Amazing!

Visit by MP Emma Reynolds - Christmas Card Competition


As a runner-up to the designing of a Christmas card for Member of Parliament Emma Reynolds, Isla was surprised by the MP’s visit and presentation of a prize to her. 


Isla was also presented with the actual printed winning Christmas card which featured her runner-up design on the back – along with other pupils’ designs in the city. 


Well done, Isla.

Oak Meadow's Charity Drive


The Oak Meadow community came together with outstanding outcomes in a charity drive for Spurgeons in order to make a difference for families and children in our local area.  Spurgeons offers a wide range of services to support young carers - young people aged 8-18 who are caring for or supporting a family member with an illness or disability, in the way an adult normally would. Because of the fantastic work the young carers in our local area do for their loved ones the children launched Oak Meadow Primary School's 'Christmas Surprise for Spurgeons'.  Exciting learning opportunities and significant events such as designing decorations, taking on responsibilities of a young carer and the luxury Christmas dinner served by teachers helped to develop our empathy and gave a positive focus to all of our efforts.  As a result, our local community has donated hundreds of gifts and raised substantial funds to recognise how valued and special every young carer is in all that they do to support their families.  Thank you and well done to everyone in the Oak Meadow community! 

Boccia Sporting Event


A group of Year 5 children had the wonderful opportunity to take part in a Boccia Challenge at Westcroft School. All children were so proud to represent our school and enjoyed every moment taking part in the new and exciting challenges.  The rest of the school await its introduction as a new sporting activity!  Well done boys!

Sports Hall Athletics Event


Well done to all of the Year6 children who competed in the Sports Hall Athletics at Ormiston New Academy. Oak Meadow was strongly represented by 30 children competing in three separate teams! All teams performed admirably and we were impressed with the motivation from every single child. A huge congratulation to the A Team (Jude, Ethan, Marley, Josh, Alex, Lily, Kaliyah, Sophie, Teagan and Lexi) who won the silver medal!

Cross Country Challenge


Congratulations to Year 5 and 6 children who competed in the Mixed Relay Cross Country Competition at Tettenhall College. All children performed exceptionally and we are so proud of the resilience and determination they displayed. A special mention to Team A (Josh, Kaliyah, Lily and Alfie) who came 8th position overall. Well done!

Play Makers' Leadership


Recently, a group of fourteen Year 5 children attended the Play Makers’ Leadership Training at Coppice Performing Arts School. They gained their first accredited leadership award, which has provided them with the skills and knowledge to deliver lunchtime activities on our playgrounds.

We look forward to seeing the children take on their role within school and lead a range of activities to help us become a more active and healthy school.


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Oak Meadow Primary School is an Academy within St Bartholomew’s CE Multi Academy Trust. which is a private company limited by guarantee, with charitable status, registered in England and Wales (Company No: 10312858). Our MAT is a private limited company. Registered office address is at St Bartholomew’s CE Primary School, Sedgley Road, Wolverhampton WV4 5LG. Website address:

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