Religious Education at Oak Meadow
At Oak Meadow we believe Religious Education helps children investigate and reflect on fundamental questions asked by people. The skills and knowledge gained can transfer to other areas of the curriculum and can be used to promote spiritual, cultural, moral and social development. Our scheme develops pupils' knowledge and understanding of world views, religion, religious beliefs, practices and traditions and their influence on individuals, communities, societies and cultures. It enables pupils to consider and respond to a range of important questions related to their own spiritual development, their values, attitudes and to fundamental questions concerning the meaning and purpose of life. Our scheme encourages the pupils to develop a sense of identity and to flourish individually within their community and as citizens in a plural society and global community. This helps develop respect and sensitivity to others and enables our pupils to feel a sense of belonging. The subject allows application of critical and philosophical thinking skills, enquiry and creative learning. The scheme is designed to develop knowledge and skills that are progressive throughout our pupil’s time at primary school.
We follow the Wolverhampton SACRE Agreed Syllabus and the sequential scheme of work which ensures depth in knowledge as well as skill development. Each unit begins with a ‘Big Question’ which encourages the children to consider ways of knowing, reflect on their personal knowledge or standpoint and the opportunity to raise questions of their own. Skills, concepts and key vocabulary are shared with the children at the start of each weekly lesson and are referred to regularly to consolidate learning and assess progress. At the beginning of each unit children can convey their personal knowledge and the following lessons will build on that knowledge as well as address any misconceptions. This informs the programme of study and ensures that lessons are relevant and take account of the pupil’s different starting point. Consideration is given to how greater depth will be taught, learnt and demonstrated within each lesson, as well as how learners will be supported in line with the school’s commitment to inclusion. In the final lesson, the children can express, communicate and deploy their knowledge and understanding through an open-ended activity, linking to their own beliefs and values.
The children’s knowledge and understanding is deepened and enhanced through visitors and connections from different faiths, visits to places of worship, links with our local church and whole school celebration days. (e.g. Eid al Fitr, Diwali, Christmas and Easter).
At Oak Meadow we want pupils to take part in engaging and enjoyable lessons where they can express and communicate their knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and worldviews. We wish them to develop their spiritually, philosophical thinking and values, whilst listening sensitively to others. Our progressive scheme of work ensures pupils will understand different worldviews, faith groups, their key beliefs and practices and display respect in their community and beyond, recognising that there are many shared values between groups. This will empower them to have a deep knowledge and appreciation of different worldviews and religions in the context of the school, local area and wider world.
An example of progression; In the Year 2 unit ‘What stories of Moses do Jewish and Christian people love to remember?’ the pupils learn about the 7 symbolic foods on the seder plate eaten during Passover and some will suggest and talk about how one or more of the foods might help someone remember the story of Pesach. Some pupils will be able to describe the links to the story. In the Year 4 unit ‘What is it like to be Jewish?’ the children will explore and describe the symbolism behind the Jewish practice at Pesach. Some children will make links to the Jewish seder plate with symbols of their own.
Workshops and visitors from various faith groups help children to transfer their skills, develop respect for others and understand beliefs that may be different from their own in the context of the wider world – a key aspect to personal development.